80 Years Ago Today

Omaha Beach, Normandy

D-Day, June 6, 1944. American, British and Canadian forces landed on five beaches in Normandy. It was the start of Operation Overlord, a mission that would eventually lead to the liberation of France from the Nazis. This is Omaha Beach. The American 1st and 29th infantry divisions landed here. It was the sight of the strongest resistance and of the most Allied casualties.

Les Braves, Anilore Banon, sculpture
Les Braves, Anilore Banon, sculpture
Omaha Beach, Normandy
Normandy American Cemetery

The Normandy American Cemetery includes the graves of 9,387 American soldiers, most of whom participated in the landing on Omaha Beach. Their average age was 23-24. There are another 1,557 names on the Wall of the Missing.

Soldier's grave at Normandy
Normandy American Cemetery reflecting pool
Reflecting pool and memorial
Spirit of American Youth Rising from the Waves
Spirit of American Youth Rising from the Waves
Normandy American Cemetery chapel
The chapel
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5 Responses to 80 Years Ago Today

  1. Oh, how much the world owes them.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. M.B. Henry says:

    May we always remember!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Ken,

    Hope you are doing well this summer.

    I tried to comment on this wonderful blog, but it seems to have rejected me twice.

    It’s probably something with WP yet again. I’ll keep working on it, but wanted you to know.



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