A Night at the Drive-In

The drive-in movie theater, a place where I saw so many movies (and did a few other things) while sitting in my car, has for the most part given way to townhouse developments, strip malls and industrial parks. But there are still some left and they’re not that different than they were in the 60’s. Except that you now get the sound over an FM signal on your car radio so you don’t have to hang a speaker from your window and run the risk of forgetting to detach it before you pull out.

Warwick Drive-In

Welcome to the Warwick Drive-In

These photos are from the 65-year-old Warwick (N.Y.) Drive-In. It has three screens, the largest of which is 50 feet high and 70 feet wide, and sits in an open field behind a supermarket and a car dealer. You can still pay one price and watch a double feature. And you’re welcome to bring your dog.  If you want to enjoy a nice weekend night here, come early. There will be nary a parking spot to be had by showtime.

Warwick drive-in

Waiting for showtime.

Snack bar

In the 50’s and 60’s live bands used to perform on the roof of this snack bar.

Car at drive-in.

Now this is the kind of car you’d expect to see at a drive-in.

The first drive-in was built in Camden, N.J., in 1933. There was at one time more than 4,000 of these theaters in the U.S. There are 368 left according to the United Drive-In Theater Owners Association. But that number is two more than last year, so maybe they’re on their way back.

Melissa and Aidan at the drive-in.

Sure beats sitting home and watching on movie on your iPad.

Drive-in screen

Warwick Drive-In

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4 Responses to A Night at the Drive-In

  1. Jason @ TheButlerJournal.com says:

    I love drive-ins. We have one in Atlanta that I go to at least once a year. They have 6 screens. The price used to be $7 per adult, but it was raised to $9 last year. That’s still a good deal for two movies though.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Always loved going to the drive-ins. Our parents would load up 3 little kids in our pjs, pack snacks and off we’d go for a Disney film. Wonderful memories the whole way through college. Haven’t been there much after that. Sad to say!


  3. Ahhh drive-ins bring back a boat load of happy memories of simpler times. Most kids today probably don’t even know what a drive in is. Have no idea what they are missing. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Greg Long says:

    In Sydney down here in Australia we have just one left. When i was a kid they were everywhere. The best part for the intermission when all the kids would rush doen to a little amusement park directly under the big screen. ☺

    Liked by 1 person

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